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Wishes and Prayers Series - Getting in The Right Mindset

How come is it so much easier to have a negative attitude than a favorable one? What is inside of us that simply naturally pulls us towards the negative side of things?


Mindset We read the books. We attend the seminars. We purchase the tapes, and things seem to go well for a while. We feel better. Our outlook is bettered, and we are hopeful. That is ... Till something happens that sends us careening again.

It does not even have to be a major, ruinous event to send us back to the land of damaging thinking. It may be something as simple as somebody cutting us off in traffic or going ahead of us in the grocery line. What gives those apparently simple occurrences of daily life so much power to literally throw us into a tailspin?

This ceaseless cycle goes along because its source is never addressed. We "try hard" to be positive, trying to over-ride how we really feel. It's a lot of work professing to be positive if inside we know all too well that it won't take long before one of those bothersome life issues sneaks up and dumps all over our favorable attitude.

Negative attitudes come from damaging thoughts that come from responses to negative behavior. And around it goes. We know that none of this damaging stuff is coming from The Higher Power. There's nothing negative about the way he thinks or acts.

So how do we put a stop to all this bunk? How do we get to a place where our favorable attitude is what is natural for us and not the other way around?

There is no magical formula. The great news is that there are a few things we may do to help transition from the land of negativism to a much more favorable place to use for life and affirmative prayer.

First, center on what you are thinking about. Remember we never addressed the source. Our negative actions and words are coming from our damaging thoughts. Our body, including the mouth, has no choice however to follow wherever our brain goes.

It is possible to control our thoughts, no matter what we have been led to think. As soon as a damaging thought comes into your brain, purposefully make it a point to substitute it with a positive one. Initially, this might take some work, because chances are, we will in all probability have a lot more damaging thoughts in our head than favorable ones. However, in time, the ratio will reverse itself.

2nd stop letting others negative mental attitude influence yours. This might mean we have to stop hanging around with individuals who do nothing but be negative. We can't afford to do this if our goal is to become more positive. The negative individuals in our life are not going to like it if we quit participating in negativity. Merely remember that birds of a feather truly do flock together.

3rd, make a list of all the areas in your life that you want to alter. List all your damaging attitudes too. If you can't think of things to put on your list, just ask your loved ones. I'll bet they'll assist you.

4th, take a little time to write strong, life-giving, positive affirmation statements. Make a commitment to use them in your affirmative prayers every day. Enjoy how great they make you feel. Know in your heart that you're making progress, even if you can't see it yet. Just continue affirming the positive.

This process will change how we think and that's the true key to shifting how we act. Remember, the body will follow where the mind goes. There's no way to separate the two, so we may as well "program in" what we wish, rather than arbitrarily leaving it to chance.


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