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Superfoods that Promote Anti-Aging - The 10 Best Age-Busting Superfoods


These 10 superfoods have been found to increase life expectancy, boost vitality and even improve the hair and complexion. Not only will you feel better and live longer, but you'll also stay youthful-looking and radiant well into your old age.

Wherever you are in your life right now, it's never too late to begin turning back the clock. Start incorporating the following superfoods into your diet today to get super healthy and add years to your life.

#1: Mushrooms

Studies conducted on different types of mushrooms found that they are packed with longevity-promoting substances. They're rich in nutrients that enhance the function and activity of immune cells, prevent DNA damage and can slow down cancerous cell growth.

Portobello and white mushrooms are especially potent in protecting against breast cancer. Some of the more exotic types such as shitake, Reishi and Maitake are thought to contain a higher density of longevity-promoting substances. If you fancy giving them a try, they can be found in high-end supermarkets as well as health food stores.

How to eat: Mushrooms are so versatile that you can eat them every day and never get bored. They can be added to soups and sauces, sautéed with your favorite meat dish, combined with other vegetables, or enjoyed on their own as a side dish.

Mushrooms are generally well-liked by most people. If you're one of them, consuming them on a regular basis won't be a chore!

A word of warning: Never eat mushrooms raw as they contain a carcinogenic substance that can be toxic. This substance is killed when the mushrooms are cooked.

#2: Cruciferous Vegetables

These cool-weather vegetables are distinguished by a flower in the center surrounded by leaves. The flower has 4 petals in the shape of a cross. Hence, the name "cruciferous" or cross-shaped in Latin.

The most common cruciferous vegetables are cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Some less commonly known types include garden cress, kale, and bok choy.

Cruciferous vegetables are called the "powerhouse" of superfoods because of their amazing superpowers. They have the ability to activate the body's detoxification function, a process that cleanses the body and flushes out harmful toxins and other accumulated 'junk'. They can also prevent the growth of cancer cells.

They contain a chemical called sulforaphane that protects the blood vessel walls against inflammation, meaning they are excellent for heart health.

But perhaps their most amazing ability is that they can actually modify our hormones.

How to eat: cruciferous vegetables are not high on everyone's list of favorite foods. However, their powerful benefits make them one of the foods you absolutely need to consume on a regular basis.

The best way to prepare cruciferous vegetables is to shred, chop or juice them to release their potent substances. They should also be chewed thoroughly for the same reason. They can be eaten cooked or raw.

Cruciferous vegetables are simply one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can consume, so it's a great idea to consume one or two varieties on a daily basis.

#3: Berries

All berries are packed with longevity-boosting antioxidants and are excellent for heart health. In one of the many studies conducted on these nutrient-rich fruits, participants who ate strawberries and blueberries every day for several weeks displayed the following improvements: lower oxidative stress levels, lower cholesterol levels and improvement in blood pressure.

In addition to having anti-cancer properties, berries also promote brain health. Although there is no conclusive evidence as of yet, studies suggest that berries could prevent the onset of age-related cognitive diseases.

How to eat: The best strategy is to eat as many of these fruits as you can, fresh or juiced. The large variety of berries available ensures that you can eat a nice assortment every day.

Although all berries are great longevity-boosters, blueberries, goji and acai berries are particularly potent.

#4: Nuts

It's hard to imagine how something as small and unsubstantial as a nut could be very nutritious, much less help you live longer.

In fact, not only are nuts rich in essential vitamins and nutrients but along with fish, they're the best source of healthy fats. They're also a good source of fiber, protein and antioxidants.

Nuts have a very unique property. When eaten in combination with other foods, they lower the glycemic load of the whole meal and balance blood sugar levels, making them a perfect food for preventing diabetes.

Nuts have actually been linked to a lower risk of heart disease. This is due to their high content of healthy fat in addition to their ability to lower cholesterol levels.

Although relatively high in calories, nuts can actually promote weight loss or maintain body weight as they are extremely filling. They can suppress appetite for hours, making you snack less between meals.

How to eat: Chopped or sliced, lightly toasted or raw, nuts like almonds and walnuts make delicious toppings for salads and desserts. They can also be blended and added to dips or salad dressings. A handful of mixed nuts are also a delicious and filling snack that will keep you energized and satisfied for hours.

Note: Natural peanut butter also falls into this category, so make sure you add it to your list!

#5: Pomegranate

The pomegranate fruit has been known for its health-promoting and therapeutic properties since ancient times.

Pomegranates are rich in punicalagin, a highly powerful antioxidant, making it a uniquely potent anti-cancer superfood. Pomegranates also promote heart and brain health.

A study conducted on elderly participants found that pomegranates can help delay the brain aging process. Those who drank a glass of pomegranate juice daily had improved memory and higher cognitive performance over those who were given a placebo juice.

How to eat: Juicing the seeds releases the pomegranate's potent properties and brings out the delicious tart/sweet flavor. The seeds can also be removed and eaten on their own, mixed with other fruits or sprinkled over salads and desserts.

Note: To remove the edible seeds, split the fruit into quarters and remove the red seeds gently with your fingers.

#6: Salad Greens

Salad greens are commonly referred to as 'leafy greens'. As the name implies, they include all leafy vegetables such as all types of lettuce, spinach, arugula and cruciferous vegetables. Less common types of leafy greens include kale, collard greens, beet greens, watercress, Swiss chard and endives.

These nutritionally-dense vegetables are almost calorie-free (100 calories per pound) which makes them ideal if you're watching your weight. They're also rich in a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals and are very potent immunity-boosters.

Studies tell us that higher consumption of leafy greens reduces the risk of stroke, heart attack, diabetes and some types of cancer. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two compounds that protect the eye against light damage. Kale, spinach and mustard greens are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that protect against a range of chronic diseases.

How to eat: Leafy greens should be eaten raw and ideally, in a nice and varied combination. Some types such as spinach can be cooked lightly and added to other dishes.

Make sure you have a big bowl of assorted leafy greens at every meal and heap your plate high! They're filling and almost calorie-free and should be the mainstay of every meal.

Salad greens can also be juiced to make green smoothies, which make amazing natural energy drinks.

#7: Seeds

Seeds are another diminutive superfood that is widely overlooked, perhaps because they're not considered real foods. But their nutritional value will make you think twice.

Most people are unfamiliar with the wide range of edible seeds, the two most commonly known being pumpkin and sunflower seeds. But this superfood group also includes chia seeds Egusi (found in a type of sour watermelon), flax, hemp, jackfruit, nigella and sesame.

Seeds are very similar to nuts in that they are a source of healthy fats and promote heart health. But they're more nutritionally powerful than nuts in that they contain more plant protein, antioxidants and minerals.

Sesame seeds are packed with lignans, a hormone that fights breast cancer. Chia and hemp seeds are packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, while pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc and calcium.

How to eat: Seeds should be eaten raw or lightly toasted. They can be added to juices and smoothies or sprinkled on salads, cereal or oatmeal.

#8: Beans

Beans are one of the best sources of non-animal protein and are the most nutritious starches you can eat. A daily portion of beans helps stabilize blood sugar and ward off diabetes.

The type of antioxidants they contain also protect against colon cancer (Studies have found that eating beans once a week reduced colon cancer risk).

The bean family includes all types of beans, peas, chickpeas, split peas and lentils. All legumes are part of this powerful superfood group.

How to eat: Since the legume family is so varied (the types of beans on their own offer a wide range of tasty options), it's easy to incorporate a different legume into your meals several times a week - or even every day.

Legumes need to be cooked until soft and can be used in soups, salads, or eaten on their own. Chickpeas can be blended to make delicious hummus dip while black or red beans are a healthy addition to stews and casseroles.

#9: Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are the mainstay of Mediterranean diets and are used widely in Far Eastern cuisine. Not everybody appreciates the pungent taste and smell of onion and garlic but you may learn to develop a taste for them after learning about their amazing properties.

Onions and garlic are highly beneficial to cardiovascular and immune system health and help alleviate inflammatory conditions. They're amazing anti-diabetes and anti-cancer foods as well.

The natural antibacterial/ antiseptic properties can actually detoxify cancerous cells and prevent several types of cancer. They protect against cold and flu and can kill gastrointestinal bugs.

How to eat: chopped or crushed, they are ideally eaten raw to get the optimum benefit of their properties. However, they can be cooked as well and as we all know, many recipes incorporate them as a base.

Chives, shallots, leeks, and scallions all belong to this potent superfood family, so there are dozens of ways to incorporate them into meals on a daily basis.

# 10: Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain so many health-boosting properties that they definitely deserve to be on the age-busting superfoods list. Beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and cancer-fighting flavonoids are just some of the nutrients found in tomatoes.

But perhaps the most powerful compound unique to this fruit is Lycopene. It protects the skin from UV light damage, guards against heart disease and has been found to lower the risk of prostate cancer.

How to eat: The potent compound lycopene is absorbed better in the body when tomatoes are cooked - this is your carte blanche to have a field day with foods smothered in fresh tomato sauce!

Another important fact to note is that tomatoes pack a more powerful nutritional punch when combined with healthy fats, such as nuts, seeds, and fish.

The bottom line: The versatility and assortment of these 10 superfoods make them easily adaptable to any diet. Many of them, such as berries, nuts and tomatoes are all-time favorites that you and your family can enjoy on a daily basis.

Some of the less common superfoods offer you a great opportunity to experiment with new flavors and try different recipes that can make them popular with your family as well. There are amazing ways to cook some of the blander foods (such as legumes and the much-hated spinach) to make them anything but bland.

So, stock up on these superfoods, surf the web for tempting recipes and create a meal plan to stay on track. That's all you need to start boosting your longevity today!



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