You are able to affirm yourself into having great spiritual qualities. Let’s look at a few affirmations.
Affirmations for You to Try
My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.
My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.
I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
The universe works in perfect ways. It always serves my higher good.
I choose love in every moment.
Everything I do adds love to the world.
Whatever I need to know is revealed to me.
Whatever I need comes to me in divine right order.
Everything I need, or need to know, is available to me in stillness.
Thank you, God, for opening my eyes to what I need to see.
I always choose the path of most love.
My energy is open and flowing in every area of my life.
I always have much more money coming in than going out.
Thank you, God, for bringing so much money into my life.
All the money I spend brings me joy.
My thoughts are loving and positive.
I am boundless love. I am infinite joy. I am unlimited wisdom.
I am radiant health. I am eternal youth. I am inexhaustible energy.
I believe something wonderful will happen to me today.
This body is perfectly healthy and bathed at all times in the light of God.
I choose to live well past my 100th birthday, radiantly healthy all the way.
I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.
As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely to me.
I gladly and proudly accept all the abundance the universe has to offer.
I expect only the best to happen and it does.
I meet all challenges with indomitable will and strength of mind.
I choose to live an abundant life.
I live in an abundant universe. I always have everything I need.
I trust my ever-increasing ability to create abundance.
The things I create are even better than I imagined them to be.
I am financially independent and free.
I am living a prosperous life with no limits.
My wealth allows me to serve God more deeply and more completely than I ever could before.
I believe in myself and I am unstoppable.
I speak of success and prosperity. My words uplift and inspire others.
The greatest gift I give others is the example of my own life working.
I am a shining example of spiritual and physical well-being.
I transcend my body. I transcend my mind. I am spirit. I am a drop of God in a sea of God.
I naturally attract loving relationships into my life.
I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being and joy.
I see the beauty and presence of God in every soul who crosses my path.
I take great joy in learning about the good fortune of others.
I see everyone experiencing the happiness that I have been blessed with.
I am beautiful and I am loved.
Angels, thank you for laying your hands of light on me and sending me your love and healing energies.
Not my will, God, but yours.
I honor God with every thought, every word, every deed.
I am immersed in the deep love of God.
Thank you, God, for bathing me in the healing, protective glow of your deep love.
I am a pure instrument of God, humble and steadfast.
Thank you, God, for guiding me to do your work in this world, effortlessly and with great joy, love, skill, enthusiasm and humility.
The deep love of God is alive and vibrant deep within my heart.
Thank you, God, for blessing me with every moment of this sweet life.
Every moment is a gift.
Thank you, God, for guiding me to be a messenger of your deep love. I am honored.
I am a source of love, hope and healing energy to all who cross my path.
God, I trust completely in your infinite wisdom and your deep love.
God, I welcome your loving spiritual guidance.
Whatever God brings to me, I want.
Divine Mother is holding me lovingly in Her arms.
I honor God in every moment of my life.
I am so honored, I am so blessed, I am so grateful to be loved so much.
I surrender my will to divine will, unconditionally and with great joy.
I think and live in ways that guide me to love and serve God in the highest way possible.
All my thoughts, words and actions are divinely guided.
I am a spiritual being having a human experience.
Everything that is happening is only for the highest good of me.
My mind and body are in complete alignment with the Universe and I am always in the flow.
I am with God and God is with me always.
The Divine Spirit is omnipresent all around me and guides me at every step.
God’s love is working through me now and always.
I am responsible for my own spiritual growth.
I trust that everything in my life is working for my highest good and I am receiving all that I am meant to have.
I patiently and respectfully ask for Divine guidance on anything and everything.
The Universe naturally and freely provides for all my needs.
When I love people more, I receive even more love from them in return.
I am a divine expression of a loving God.
I let go of fear. I let go of pain. I live in love.
I surrender to God. He is always with me. I do only his bidding.
Religion to me is a way of life. It is a way of living a morally and ethically correct life.
I am a loving, kind and forgiving person, in accordance with my spiritual nature.
I ask for forgiveness from all those whom I may have wronged and forgive all those who may have wronged me. All is well.
The love of God flows through me. I am His, He is mine.
I forgive them for trying to control us spiritually
I am realizing my true spiritual nature now
My spiritual awakening is happening now
I forgive them for ever distorting the TRUTH
I am acceptable as I am
I trust my innate Soul to guide me spontaneously
This is easy and fun
I swiftly accept my own soul’s loving guidance
I am innocent and willing to serve LOVE
I am allowed to have a personal connection with the Divine This is my birthright
I am a part of this Sacred Cosmos that is connected to its Self I am made of conscious fields of Eternal Light
I am a protected in every way
My heart, mind and body are aligned with my Spirit
I have an Inner knowing
I am forgiven for everything
I forgive religions for ever separating us from our True SELF I allow my noble crown to be illuminated with the sacred truth of Creation
It is safe for me to trust the Universe now
I am one with All of Creation
I accept the Living Divinity in us all
I am a valued part of Creation
I allow myself to be a natural vessel for the Beloved It’s safe to allow this connection to deepen and grow
I am loved eternally
I trust my growing ability to listen and learn directly now I choose right action, based on Divine wisdom
I am connected to HOME
I forgive myself for ever losing my inner truth
I always find the calm stillness within me
My heart trusts this
I am willing to follow simple instructions from God
All of creation loves me
I remember to check in frequently for spiritual guidance I am aligned only with the Spirit of pure truth, and Eternal Wisdom
God loves me
I remember what I am now… I am the Divine Child within
I am able to do anything the divine wants me to do
My Higher Self is constantly with me, encouraging me I act on the advice from my Higher Self
My spirit is pure, alive and radiating….
I am able to clear and tune in now
I access my inner knowing in all ways
I am close to the divine as it is my very nature
I am animated and supported by the Inner Light
I clearly recognize and embrace any and all signs from the Universe
I am the creator of my own future
I accept others as they are and they in turn accept me as I am
I recognize and honor Divine Spirit to be omnipresent in all around me every day
I am a radiant being filled with light and love
I recognize Divine Spirit to be omnipresent
I give freely without the need or expectation of receiving
My highest good is manifesting in my life right now
I live only that which is for my highest good
I am creator of my destiny
I respect and honor all Divine gifts
I acknowledge and respect all my feelings
Divine love is working through me now
I am receptive to the messages of the Universe
I recognize and honor Divine Spirit in all those I meet today
I choose to live my life in a way that allows the higher good of all
I recognize and embrace the gift of intuition
I honor the Divine Spirit in all around me every day
I choose to clearly understand the higher messages within my dreams and intuition
I am a loving, forgiving, gentle and kind person
I release the need and desire for constant material gain
I am conductor of the choir that is my life
I am writer, director and producer of the movie that is my life
All is well and as it should be
I am divinely guided in all I do, say and think
I live only in the here and now
I honor the gift of insight and choose to clearly understand the higher messages within my dreams and intuitions
I choose to accept only positive and Divine energies in and around my life
I am One with Creation I am responsible for all my actions
The past is gone. I live only in the present
All IS and I AM
I am open to the gifts of the Universe
I choose to free myself from the ignorance and limitations of old habits and structures to further my growth
I release the need to control and trust in the Universe
I learn the lessons of my past and create the circumstances of my future
Everything that is happening is only for the highest good of me
I am in perfect alignment with the Universe and the universe is perfect
The love of the Universe flows to me, through me and around me at all times
The abundance of the Universe flows to me, through me and around me at all times
All is as it should be
I am a spiritual being having a human experience
I patiently and intently follow the guidance of my Higher Self on the path to enlightenment
I commit myself to the direction of my Higher Self
The answer I seek is available within me
I send you Love and Light and the knowledge that your Higher Self will lead you on a path that is for the highest good of all
I release the need to control and allow my Higher Self to guide me daily in living a life that will lead to the higher good of all I am in contact with
I am free to choose based on the here and now
I am responsible for my own Spiritual Growth
Everything I do, feel, say, think and project comes only from the place of Love and Light
I send you Love and Light
Any souls that I have wronged on this day, I ask for forgiveness and send Love and Light to
Any souls that I feel have wronged me on this day, I forgive and send Love and Light to
I patiently and respectfully ask for Divine guidance on ……..
My security resides within
The Universe naturally and freely provides for all my needs
“Namaste” (I honor the God in you. The place of love, of truth, of peace and of light.
I am Love, I am Light
I am a cultured and wise and yet, a humble person
I choose only positive thoughts
I am positive energy
I have all knowledge within me
I am on my Life Purpose
All possibilities are open to me, right here, right now
I have all possibilities open to me now
My mind and body are in complete alignment with the Universe
I trust that everything in my life is working for my highest good and I am receiving all that I am meant to have