How to Boost Your Immunity Against the Coronavirus Series - More Tips

More Tips
Learn how to protect yourself and others.
Educate yourself so you know how COVID-19 spreads
Wash you hands often, and use hand sanitizer that is at least 60 percent alcohol.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and month with unwashed hands.
Us social distancing around other, at least 6 feet.
Use a Mask, cover your nose and mouth on everyone over the age of 2 years old when in public, and around people that do not live in your household.
Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or inside your elbow. Throw tissues in the trash, and wash your hands afterwards.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.
Get a flu shot
Monitor your health daily, especially if you have and current health conditions.
If you are sick, running a fever, showing any symptoms, contact your doctor.