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Holistic Development of the Whole Person Series - Tips on How to Achieve Wholeness


Achieving wholeness is about finding balance in each of the aspects of your life so that you are well in all areas. Becoming a whole person is essentially the same as making any positive change in your life. You rely on your knowledge about the situation, you align your situation with your beliefs and ideals, then you make a plan that you can place into action. But, let’s examine those stages a little more closely.

Who Are You?

If you want to make changes for the better in your life, it’s important to have an accurate, realistic picture of where you are balanced and where you are struggling. Gather information that can be helpful, including self-assessment results, feedback from people you trust, and your own personal reflections about the various aspects of your life that feel positive and those that need attention. Be sure to include information on all of the aspects discussed earlier, as well as any you think may be lacking on that list.

Knowledge about yourself can be uncomfortable to confront, particularly when it is about the areas of your life that need to change. Looking so closely in the mirror may raise some issues, so be sure you take this into consideration. But, this knowledge is essential, because, without it, you won’t have the power to really change your life and achieve wholeness.

What Do You Believe?

Being a whole person means you are in balance, and that can only be achieved when all aspects of your life are in harmony with your personal beliefs and values. Your beliefs make you unique and special, and they also should guide your decisions. As a part of your knowledge seeking phase, it is also important to examine areas of your life that may feel disconnected from your values and set new goals accordingly.

Checking in with your beliefs also means reaffirming your commitment to becoming whole and finding wellness. You must make a conscious choice to become balanced, then choose that path each and every day in order to fully achieve it.

What Do I Want to Achieve?

Without a plan, dreams cannot become reality. Now that you understand where your life is balanced and where you need to focus, it is time to make a plan. Set goals in each of the seven dimensions of your life, then make an actionable plan for how you would like to achieve those goals. A plan provides a starting point and something to work toward and setting goals in each of your dimensions can help you see how these are all interconnected.

How Will I Get There?

The most important step in this journey is to take mindful action toward achieving your dream of becoming whole. Showing up each day to work on your goals and being consistent with your focus and attention can help you achieve your dreams. You must choose each day to renew your decision to honor this work and yourself, and you will have to be patient, as this work does not happen instantly.

Other Suggestions and Tips

• Take risks. Making changes in your life is difficult and making the decision to focus on this work can feel risky at times. But from true risk you reap real rewards that can enhance your life in immeasurable ways.

• Reassess each day. Without examining your progress, you’ll never know how well your plan is working.

Reassessment helps you make changes in areas where your plan needs adjusting, and it allows you to evaluate your choices regularly to see if maybe your earlier decisions need to be revisited. Making this time for yourself each day can help you stay focused and intentional in the work of moving toward wholeness.

• Take the time to care for yourself. Maintaining your health is important, because with it, you cannot accomplish your other goals and dreams. Be sure you are nourishing your body with all it needs, getting enough exercise and rest, and managing your stress appropriately, or all your efforts won’t have a foundation of wellness.

• Set boundaries that work for you. Your priorities change as you move through life, and setting boundaries is a great way to ensure that you are able to stay committed to those things you hold most dearly in your life. Say no to those things that are not aligned with your values, beliefs, and personal goals for yourself, and say yes to opportunities that will help you achieve your dream of being a whole person.

• Don’t be nervous when things don’t work out. The unexpected will happen, and you can use life’s little (and big) obstacles as learning experiences rather than just treating them as stressful. Being resilient and adaptable can help you learn to achieve balance and wellness no matter what curve balls life throws at you, so start practicing now.

• Remember that balance may not always be possible. There may be times in your life when one or more dimensions are overruled by other needs. Family crises, financial setbacks, and illness can all force you into focusing on what needs to get done for periods of time. It’s okay, and this will pass in time. Do what you need to get life back on track, and when things start to slow back down, recommit to focusing on yourself again.

• Maintaining a positive mental attitude is a great way to stay focused on your intention as well as embrace all the life has to offer along your journey toward wellness. Life is not going to go the way you expected, but with a positive outlook, you can keep things in perspective and maintain a lower stress level.

When you are able to focus on all the dimensions of your wellness, and to successfully find balance between and among them, then you can become a whole person. You will experience harmony and balance when you exhibit healthy behaviors in all of the important parts of your life. You can enjoy the freedom of living the life that works best for you and embracing everything about life that makes you happy and fulfilled.

Becoming a whole person can happen at any stage in life and learning to balance the various dimensions of life is an on-going and lifelong challenge that you will need to address again and again as you age, grow, and change. But, once you’ve developed the right mindset and skills, you’ll be ready to tackle the hard work of becoming whole at any point in your life.


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