Affirmations to Tame Anger1. I will not let my anger control me; I am in charge of my anger.2. When I feel angry, I will take a few deep breaths before I respond to calm myself.3. I will not take my anger out on anyone else.4. I will take steps each and every day to manage my anger.5. Learning to manage anger is a process and I will forgive myself when I make a mistake.6. I will let go of past angers, there is no point holding on to grudges.7. I can make my anger productive; I will not let it be destructive.8. I cannot control other people, I can only control how I react to them.9. I will learn to diffuse my anger.10. I don’t have to feel ashamed that I get angry, I just need to learn how to manage it properly.11. I will not repress my anger and let it build up, instead I will discuss it in a calm manner.12. I will tell people when something they are doing is causing me anger. 13. There is no need to feel threatened, I am always in charge of me.14. Instead of physically expressing my anger, I need to express it with words.15. I need to be patient; my turn will come even if the wait seems long.16. I am not responsible for the anger of others; I can only change my own anger.17. I will work to make my life more peaceful and relaxing so I experience anger less.18. As I work on my anger, it is becoming easier for me to control it.19. I want a better life therefore I will learn to manage my anger so it doesn’t interfere with my dreams.20. I will never damage things belonging to others because I am angry.
1. I will not let my anger control me; I am in charge of my anger.2. When I feel angry, I will take a few deep breaths before I respond to calm myself.3. I will not take my anger out on anyone else.4. I will take steps each and every day to manage my anger.5. Learning to manage anger is a process and I will forgive myself when I make a mistake.6. I will let go of past angers, there is no point holding on to grudges.7. I can make my anger productive; I will not let it be destructive.8. I cannot control other people, I can only control how I react to them.9. I will learn to diffuse my anger.10. I don’t have to feel ashamed that I get angry, I just need to learn how to manage it properly.11. I will not repress my anger and let it build up, instead I will discuss it in a calm manner.12. I will tell people when something they are doing is causing me anger. 13. There is no need to feel threatened, I am always in charge of me.14. Instead of physically expressing my anger, I need to express it with words.15. I need to be patient; my turn will come even if the wait seems long.16. I am not responsible for the anger of others; I can only change my own anger.17. I will work to make my life more peaceful and relaxing so I experience anger less.18. As I work on my anger, it is becoming easier for me to control it.19. I want a better life therefore I will learn to manage my anger so it doesn’t interfere with my dreams.20. I will never damage things belonging to others because I am angry.