Staying Cool Inside This Summer

Elevated temperatures can send you running inside this summer. If you are looking for ways to stay cool, here are some ideas. And, you can save money as well.
As the thermometer gets red, it can be hard to find a way to stay on the cool side. The first thing that we do is turn on the air conditioning. That works, but it can also be expensive if you don’t follow a few tips.
The Importance of Staying Cool
There are several heat-related illnesses that you might want to be aware of. Spending too much time outside can make you susceptible to them if you are not hydrated and dressed properly. Even if you come inside, you’ll need a way to reduce your body temp.
How to Beat the Heat Inside Your Home
1. Air conditioning – Central air is the greatest invention since sliced bread. But, you don’t want to go broke cooling your home. Set your thermostat to 74 or 75 degrees and leave it there. Moving it up and down is one way that you use more energy and spend more money.
2. Keep your shades drawn – During the day, the use of room-darkening shades and curtains can keep the cool air inside and any heat outside.
3. Use ceiling fans – Think about tropical destinations. Many rooms have only three walls and a ceiling fan to circulate the air. You don’t have to remove a wall to create the same effect within your home, but utilizing a ceiling fan to cool the air inside your home can lower your electricity bill. During the day, in combination with other methods, it can keep you feeling more comfortable.
4. Hardwood or linoleum flooring – Carpeting can trap heat. If you already have hardwood flooring it can lower the temperature. Simply walk around without socks and shoes to get the benefit of the cooler surface.
5. Wear appropriate clothing – While indoors, dress cooler. Try lightweight cotton fabrics that allow the skin to breathe. This also works well when you are performing outdoor activities.
6. Move slowly – Take the time to slow down while indoors. It is easy to get overheated when you are doing housework, so pace yourself. Wait until later in the day for more strenuous activities.
7. Turn off the stove – Turning on the stove can easily raise the temperature inside your home. If your home is energy efficient (and hopefully it is), this will have the effect of holding heat inside. Wait until the evening to use the stove. Instead, use the microwave or eat cold foods that don’t require heating.
It is just as important to stay cool inside your home as it is when you are out of doors.