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Layout for a Productive Garden

When planning your organic garden there are many things you can do to produce the most yield. Many of these things are simple, although they do require some advance planning and generally, a little forethought when it comes to managing how the plants will work best depending on direction of sun, etc.

It is advisable to seek professional advice like for example a landscaper. Walk through the garden and ask advice to find out which areas in the garden are suitable for vegetables, flowers, herbs, trees etc. The other option that you can try before investing your money in a landscaper is to visit your local nursery. The staff will be able to give you valuable information on what plants flourish in the area and the seasons that are the most suitable for the different types of vegetables and plants.

Start planning the garden according to the data you gather along the way. Make sure the area you choose for the vegetable garden is not too big and easy to maintain. Also opt for pathways between the various types of vegetables to prevent people from harming the crops. Place sheets of plastic underneath the pathway to stop weeds from growing. Plant the taller crops at the back of the vegetable garden and the herbs in between the different types of vegetables

If your space is limited use containers to plant your herbs and vegetables in. Remember that herbs act as a natural pesticide. It is wise to plant herbs throughout your garden. After you planned the layout of the organic garden walk through the garden again to make sure it is viable. Also be flexible some layouts look great on paper; but they are not practical. If you need more guidance use the Internet, garden magazines, public gardens and catalogs as a source to find layout concepts.

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