Another Year Older: My Birthday Reflections - On a Personal Note - for my birthday, June 28th
Life, with all its twists and turns, has been a profound teacher, guiding me through moments of joy and sorrow.

Self-Love Series - The Complexity and Psychology of Self-Esteem
Assessing self-esteem can be quite problematic. The issue lies in the fact that self-esteem can fluctuate on a moment-to-moment basis...

Compassion Series - Compassion for Others
Acknowledging and Showing Gratitude for Compassion Whenever you notice someone showing compassion to you, remember to acknowledge them...

Power of Compassion Series - How we Lack Self-Compassion
While it might sound “nice” to be more compassionate, being compassionate is one of the most powerful things we can do for ourselves and...

Self-Care for Everyday Life
Introduction Self-care is a big trend at the moment. But just because it is a trend, that doesn’t mean it isn’t also an extremely...

Yes! Inner Peace And Serenity Does Mean Happiness
For most of us, happiness is a kind of satisfaction that we feel when things are going the way we want them to go. Many people consider happ

Pandemic: Identifying What You Can and Can't Control is Key for Mental and Emotional Relief
Whether it be breathing techniques, meditation, or even writing in a gratitude journal, your mental and emotional health will improve signif

What Is Inner Peace and Serenity Anyway?
Inner peace is described as a deliberate state of spiritual calmness without sufferings or mental disturbances. It is about finding a sense

12 Steps to Peaceful Sleep
2 new additions to our FREE EBOOKS - you can access these by joining the Living Tree Company. Enjoy!

Is Inner Peace Eluding You?
Inner peace often eludes us when we are living a life not meant for us. That can mean many different things to different people. Maybe you l