Beneficial insects
As all gardens there is always an infestation of some type of pest. A great way to control the pests is to look at the food chain and find t

Managing Weeds
Managing weeds in a way that does not harm the soil, insects, plants etc. requires knowledge, skill and perseverance. There are different ty

Organic Gardening Maintenance
Maintaining an organic garden is essential. The effort and the time you put in to establish a healthy ecological garden requires care and at

Wildlife Gardening
To take organic gardening to the next level why not try wildlife gardening. Similar to synergistic planting the only extra is to create an e

Companion Planting
The companion planting technique is based on using certain plants to benefit other plants by planting them next to each other. There is no n

Synergistic Planting
Synergistic planting is an organic gardening system established by Emelia Hazelip. The entire system evolves where plants naturally fertiliz

Square Foot Gardening
The garden layout is self-explanatory. It is shaped in a square and depending on the size will determine the amount of plants that you are a

Benefits of Organic Gardening
Not many people are aware that the benefits of organic gardening can improve their health, lifestyle and the environment. It is important th

Layout for a Productive Garden
When planning your organic garden there are many things you can do to produce the most yield. Many of these things are simple, although they

Creating Productive Soil
With rich nutrient soil our gardens will produce bumper crops, so understanding how to maintain the soil and keep it so it is growing become