Christmas in July Series - Turning Your Kitchen into a Gift Factory
Picking out the perfect holiday gifts from friends and acquaintances can be a very difficult chore. Choosing the right item for everyone ca

Christmas in July - Revitalizing the Holiday Feast
Every Thanksgiving, many of us set down in front of a feast featuring turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and other delights. Interestingly,

Christmas in July Series - Three Basic Steps to Holiday Stress Reduction
The holidays can be a source of great satisfaction and enjoyment. Unfortunately, they can also become a high-pressure race for those who ar

Christmas in July Series - Make Your Holidays More Enjoyable without Spending One Extra Dime
There are many techniques for improving your holidays. If you don’t believe it, just look at the advertising circulars in your Sunday newsp

Christmas in July Series - How Perspective Can Reduce Holiday Stress
When one suffers a lack of perspective, it said that he or she might be unable to “see the forest through the trees.” In other words, their

Christmas in July Series - Developing Your Own Holiday Food Traditions
More than mere sustenance, the traditional foods we enjoy year after year are a source of family pride and lead to conversations about famil