Feelings Won't Kill You but They Can Make You Stronger
Feelings are something that we all experience. They can be happy, sad, angry, or any other emotion. Many people try to avoid their...
Affirmations for Expressing My Emotions
1. I am allowed to express my emotions. 2. I am in control when I express my emotions. 3. I will never lie to others about how I am...
The Connection Between Emotional and Physical Health
It is no secret that the mind and body are interconnected. What we think and feel can have a direct impact on our physical health. When...
Affirmations Develop Emotional Health
1. Other people cannot make me feel emotions, I am always in control of how I feel. 2. There are many people who love me. 3. I control...
5 Activities That Promote Joy
Do you ever feel like you need a break from work? A little time to relax and enjoy yourself? If so, you're not alone. In today's hectic...
Affirmations Process Difficult Emotions
1. I am not my grief, I will experience it, work through it, then overcome it. 2. I am sad now, but I can still have hope for the future....
10 Ways to Cultivate Joy
Everyone wants to have a joyful life, right? According to the Oxford English Dictionary, joy is defined as, “a feeling of great pleasure...
Affirmations Tune into Your Emotions
1. I need to listen to the emotions I am feeling. 2. My emotions can help guide me to make decisions if I take the time to tune into...
Healthy Ways to Communicate Your Feelings
We each experience a multitude of feelings every day. They range from positive to negative, and both sides of the spectrum can be felt in...
Affirmations to Tame Anger
1. I will not let my anger control me; I am in charge of my anger. 2. When I feel angry, I will take a few deep breaths before I respond...