Mindful Eating Series -
MINDFUL EATING VS MINDLESS EATING To better understand how you can incorporate mindful eating into your life, take the time to consider...
Mindful Eating Guide - 8 benefits of Mindful Eating
We all tend to over eat around the holidays. Keep these 8 tips handy, to help you with the battle of the Holiday treats. 8 BENEFITS OF...
Guided Meditation: Serenity
Join the Living Tree Company for Free, and have access to our guided Meditations, under Shared Files. Assume a comfortable position. Shut...
Guided Meditation: Quiet the Mind
Join the Living Tree Company for Free, and have access to our guided Meditations, under Shared Files. Assume a comfortable position. Shut...
Guided Meditation: Potential
Join the Living Tree Company for Free, and have access to our guided Meditations, under Shared Files. Assume a comfortable position. Shut...
Guided Meditation: Healing
Join the Living Tree Company for Free, and have access to our guided Meditations, under Shared Files. Assume a comfortable position. Shut...
Guided Meditation: Higher Power
Join the Living Tree Company for Free, and have access to our guided Meditations, under Shared Files. Assume a comfortable position. Shut...
Holiday Stress And What To Do About It, Part 3
So, the holidays are here, and you are already feeling stressed. There is a ton of stuff to do, no time to do it in and your anxiety...
Attitude of Gratitude Series - Gratitude Best Practices
We want you to develop your attitude of gratitude as fast as possible and we recommend that you follow these 9 best practices. These best...
Attitude of Gratitude Series - The Power of Gratitude in relationships
Most people live life at a frantic pace these days and it is easy to take our loved ones for granted in this situation. So, we encourage...