Breathing Principle Series - Foods and Other Medication to Stay Calm
The aim of this blog series is to make you the master of your own emotions so that you can control your response to stressful situations....

Breathing Principles Series - What are Neurotransmitters?
Before we go into this in more detail, it’s first useful to look in a little more detail at this response and the neurotransmitters that...

Breathing Principles Series - A Peek into your Fight or Flight Response
So, what exactly is stress? What is anxiety? Both these are psychological and physiological states that are brought about by the release...

Breathing Principles Series - Introduction
The objective is not to eliminate stress or anxiety. This is something we need to make clear right from the very start. Believe it or...

Fight Aging Through Wellness
Exercise and diet have been evidenced to help prevent Osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s Disease as well as a lot of the heart condition issues...

The Advantages of Essential Vitamins for Wellbeing
The following is a general breakdown of the essential vitamins that would prove to be advantages to include into the diet plan for better...

The Importance of Detox for Wellness
The body naturally has its own detoxifying ways of getting rid of any negative residues left within the body system at regular intervals....

Exercise Your Way To a Better Overall Wellness and Wellbeing
However, for one reason or another, a lot of people do not seem to consider exercising an important part of the daily lifestyle schedule....

You Are What You Eat – Healthy Food Choices
People often avoid healthy food choices mainly because of the perception that these foods are normally very bland tasting and rather...

Living a Healthier Lifestyle For Optimal Wellness
There are a lot of opinions on how to live a healthy lifestyle, for some it would mean eating only certain foods and following a strict...