Guided Meditation: Higher Power
Join the Living Tree Company for Free, and have access to our guided Meditations, under Shared Files. Assume a comfortable position. Shut...

On a personal note, a gift from God!
An old fable I once heard and has always remained in my heart, mind, and soul. When writing I generally never lean to one religion. I...

Holiday Stress And What To Do About It, Part 3
So, the holidays are here, and you are already feeling stressed. There is a ton of stuff to do, no time to do it in and your anxiety...

Tips for a Stress Free Holiday Season, Part 2
There are any number of things which can stress us out at the holiday time, from money worries to relationship issues. and the...

Ideas for a Stress Free Holiday Part 1
For many people, Holiday stress is right up there with major life events such as moving to a new house or changing jobs. This year that...

Decorating for Christmas: Should You Buy Your Decorations Online?
When it comes to Christmas, are you like many other Americans? If so, there is a good chance that you will be decorating your home for...

Making Your Own Christmas Decorations versus Buying Them
If you are like many other individuals, you enjoy Christmas. With Christmas comes gifts’, spending time with family, and Christmas...

Decorating for Christmas While On a Budget
Are you one of the millions of Americans who loves to celebrate Christmas? When asked, the majority of individuals respond that Christmas...

Christmas Tree Themes: Are They Really Worth It?
Do you celebrate Christmas? If you do, chances are you will celebrate the holidays with a Christmas tree. Each year, the majority of...

Christmas Lights: The Ultimate Way to Decorate Your Home
Christmas lights; we have all seen them and most of us have used them before. When it comes to Christmas lights, we often associate those...