Decorating for Christmas: Why You Should Make it a Family Event
Do you plan on decorating your home for Christmas this holiday season? If so, do you plan on doing it by yourself? While decorating for...

Attitude of Gratitude Series - Gratitude Best Practices
We want you to develop your attitude of gratitude as fast as possible and we recommend that you follow these 9 best practices. These best...

Attitude of Gratitude Series - The Power of Gratitude in relationships
Most people live life at a frantic pace these days and it is easy to take our loved ones for granted in this situation. So, we encourage...

Attitude of Gratitude Series - Practicing Gratitude in your Daily Life
Now it is time to start practicing gratitude in your daily life. You can do this on your own or get others involved if you want. The most...

Attitude of Gratitude Series - Developing the Habits of Gratitude
You have endless opportunities to express gratitude multiple times every day. What makes it difficult for everyone is that negative...

Surviving the Holiday after Loss - A Special Post in Honor of this Different Holiday Season.
The smell of cinnamon, nutmeg, and pumpkin pie. The taste roasted turkeys, stuffing, and mash potatoes with gravy. Houses adorned with...

Attitude of Gratitude Series - How you can Learn Gratitude
If you do not live a life of gratitude at the moment then there is no need to worry. The good news is that you can learn gratitude and...

Attitude of Gratitude Series - Gratitude and Empowerment
Can gratitude really empower you? Yes, it can, and you will discover how in this chapter. In the last few chapters, you learned that...

Attitude of Gratitude Series - Developing a Gratitude Mindset
Most people do not have a gratitude mindset. If you don’t currently have a gratitude mindset then don’t worry because we are going to...

Attitude of Gratitude Series - Gratitude Leads to Abundance
The opposite of gratitude is focusing on the things that you do not have in your life. So many people concentrate on lack and end up...